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Bulls & Cows version 3.1.5 released

We are happy to announce that a new version of Guess a Number – Bulls & Cows is now available on Google Play

This release focus on stability, performance improvements and Android 13 support.

Bulls and Cows is a logical game for guessing numbers also known as 1A2B

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Bulls & Cows is a logical game for kids and adults, also known as Mastermind, 4digits or 1A2B. Your goal is to find the opponent’s secret number with a minimum number of suggestions.

On each guess the game announces the number of “cows” and “bulls” in your suggestion. If the matching digits are on their right positions, they are “bulls”, if they are on different positions, they are “cows”.

You can play Bulls and cows in two game modes: Single player or Against Android.

In Single player mode you try to guess a secret number. To win you must reveal your opponent number.

When playing Against Android you start by choosing your difficulty (easy, medium or hard) and entering your secret number. On the next turn your opponent generates
his secret number and announces the number of matching “bulls” and “cows”. Winner in this competitive game mode is the first person to reveal their opponent secret number.

You can make the game more challenging by choosing ‘hard’ difficulty and using five-digit or six-digit secret numbers. If you are stuck finding the secret number use a hint. To help you compete better Bulls & Cows features a draft (as we call it) where you can mark digits that you think are included or not in your opponent secret number.

If you fill like customizing there are many aspects where you can make it your own personal experience. You can for example change the theme,
or decide to play without zeroes. Check out settings…


Secret number: 8561
Opponent’s try: 3518
Answer: 1 bull and 2 cows. (The bull is “5”, the cows are “8” and “1”.)

Bulls and Cows is a logical game for guessing numbers also known as 1A2B Bulls and Cows is a logical game for guessing numbers also known as 1A2B Bulls and Cows is a logical game for guessing numbers also known as 1A2B

Bulls & Cows / Guess a number features:
* Single player and multiplayer game modes.
* Different difficulties: ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’, ‘Hard’
* Playing with 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits
* Ability to choose whether to play with leading zero in numbers, or disable zeroes at all.
* Hints to help you when you are stuck.
* Draft, where you can mark digits that you think are included or not in your opponent secret number.
* Analyzing your moves in the game history.
* Themes (dark ocean green, light ocean green, dark blue, orange, pink)
* Intuitive interface featuring Material design.
* Multi window mode (Android 7.0 and up)
* Notch (display cut outs) support
* Touch and sound effects.

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